My Final Post

I know I haven’t blogged here long. But about a week ago I made the decision to get serious and purchased a domain. I really want my blog to inspire and bring people together. And I feel like I need complete creative liberties to make that happen. So I hope you join me at to continue on this journey with me.

Thank you for your support and I hope you continue to support me as I make this transition.


You are more than a Mrs., more than a Mom, you are a Masterpiece.

Tardy Tuesday 2/13/18 (Mommy Monday)

Update: So we are 2 weeks in to February and I feel like I’m taking 1 step forward and 5 steps back with all my goals. If you had a chance to check out my 2018 goals you know I’ve set some pretty ambitious goals for myself this year. If you didn’t get a chance to check them out here they are again:

New Year_s Resolution 2018

I am so far behind and the year has just begun. I’ve only managed to read 1 book, who knew reading with children was so hard. I have not worked out in a week and a half. And my dreams of starting and completing my Medical Transcription Certification were halted when I found out my DEERS information was completely jacked. Like, wrong DOD number, multiple files, and my benefits not showing up because I wasn’t listed under my husband. Yea real bummer. I also had the luxury of injuring my back carrying a dryer up the stairs and then falling down the stairs a week later. And then to add insult to injury, my son managed to break the screen of my newly renovated laptop so it is back at iRepair to be fixed, again.

It can’t all be bad.

Related image

And it’s not. I am happy to report that I have finally started reading my 2nd book of the year and I really like it, updates to follow. I found an open volleyball game on Wednesdays that I am super excited about and we joined the YMCA and I hope to get started taking classes and working out there next week. We finally were able to get my DEERS information worked out and I got a new ID card. That means I can now complete my enrollment for MYCAA. ( I’d like to take a moment and note that DEERS and CAC have been struggling these past 2 weeks, if you need an id card you may want to call ahead to make sure your local system is still up and running. We had to make 2 appointments and both times the system was down, luckily the last time we were able to wait an hour and a half and actually get my id card. But the CAC system was down so my husband can’t renew his.)

Image result for set back quotes

I am also happy to say, that because my laptop was broken I ended up back in iRepair, where my husband was able to purchase a laptop to replace his (which is how I’m updating today). We managed to pay $200 for a practically new laptop with all the bells and whistles and it came not just in time, but right on time. So despite my obvious setbacks I am motivated to keep pushing forward. And lastly I am only 2lbs away from losing my first 10lbs of the year!!!! So maybe I’m not as far behind as I thought I was.


Motivational Quote for the Week:

Image result for set back quotes

Weather Forecast: Savannah, GA:

Image result for weather for the week savannah ga

What I am Watching on TV:

Image result for seeking sister wife

What I am Reading:

Just Finished

Image result for happy women live better

Currently Reading

Image result for Making Peace with your thighs

A movie I want to see this week:

Image result for Black Panther

Three things I am determined to accomplish this week:

  1. Have an awesome Valentine’s Day
  2. Move Claim
  3. School Enrollment

Picture Perfect:

Sorry no pics of the boys this week because my phone is upstairs and I don’t want to wake anyone up to go get it.

5 Things I am grateful for:

  1. Valentine’s Day
  2. iRepair (for fixing my computer again)
  3. Ahi Tuna and Feta Cheese
  4. Google Maps
  5. Hugs and Kisses


Image result for happy valentines day

My New Year’s Resolution (23 Days in)

So I know having a New Year’s Resolution is the norm at the beginning of each new year. Normally it is a bright and shiny declaration to do better than years past. To get in shape, to save money, to get stay connected wit family and friends, etc. These resolutions are all very cliché, but that doesn’t make them any less worthy of setting. This year I have set several goals including the ones listed above and this list is a lot similar to the ones I’ve set, and failed to reach, in the past. But this year feels different. My resolution does not just effect me this year, it effects my children, my husband, and the trajectory of our lives. This year the experiment will be is the pressure of my responsibility to my family enough to keep me on track. I would like to say yes, but lets be honest I really won’t know until December 31st.


When I look back on what I was able to accomplish, or not accomplish this year. There are 342 days left in this year. That’s 8208 hours, 8208 chances to get back up when I fall off the resolution wagon, 8208 opportunities to prove to myself that I can do this, 8208 chances to show my family that I care about them enough to accomplish these goals, and 8208 chances to succeed. It’s also 8208 chances to procrastinate, 8208 hours to forget I have a goal, 8208 hours to sleep away, 8208 chances to fail. It’s still early, still plenty of time to fall off the bandwagon and fail, but its also still early enough to kick 2018’s butt. Take no prisoners! All I have to do is consistently chip away at each goal and I’ll wake up on December 31st excited about tomorrow.

And in case your wondering here is my New Year’s Resolution:

New Year_s Resolution 2018

So whatever your resolutions are this year, good luck Masterpieces!



Mommy Martyr

  1. a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs:
    “saints, martyrs, and witnesses to the faith”
mom·my  mar·tyr
  1. a mother who kills herself because of her belief that she is only mommy and nothing else.

This weight is crushing me. I am dying inside and I have no one to blame but myself. Wait a second, that’s not completely true. I can blame society and television and those judgey mothers that we all now. Who decided that moms could only be one dimensional? That if I don’t commit every waking moment of my life to my children I am somehow this horrible mother. Who decided that? When did we vote? And where was I?

Image result for mom memes

It’s hard being a mom I feel like I need constant reassurance that I’m doing things right, that I’m a good mother, that I’m not total screwing up these small humans that depend on me for everything. I make sure they’re clean, I feed them, I clothe them (if we’re leaving the house), I pick up after them, I tickle them, I laugh with them, I love them and I’m doing my best to teach them to be good human beings. But somehow that is not enough. Some where along the way I got it in my head, or the evil mom bots planted it in my head, that this was not enough. That some how all my hugs and kisses were not enough, if for even one second I wanted anything for myself.

I love my children, they are awesome little people. I love being their mom. I also love being me, a little weird, a little naïve, and a whole lotta dreams, wishes, rainbows, and butterflies. Why does it feel like I have to give everything up, that makes me special, in order to feel like I’m a good mom. I’d give two eyes, two ears, two kidneys and a set of lungs for these little people and yet I still feel like it is not enough.

Image result for mom memes

Being a woman is hard. Being a wife is hard. But being a mommy feels impossible. It shouldn’t feel this way. It shouldn’t hurt this much. It shouldn’t be this hard. It’s a never ending  rollercoaster and I am continually learning new things about myself and my little people as they each grow and develop into the young men they are meant to be.

And as rewarding as being Mommy is, I still have dreams outside of being mommy and I will not feel bad about that. Chasing my dreams doesn’t make me any less of a mommy. Taking time for myself doesn’t make me any less of a mommy. Not washing dishes tonight, or forgetting to wash the whites so my kid has to where a red undershirt, does not make me any less of a mommy.

I know I can’t be everything to everybody, but I can be Mommy and Me for my self and my little people. And the smiles on their faces tell me that, that is more than enough.

Good Luck Mommies,

And if no one has told you today, I think your amazing.

-Mrs. Military Mom

Mommy Monday 1/1/18 ( Yes I Know it’s Wednesday)

Here is a preview of my upcoming week.

Image result for Happy New Year

Last week review:

First of all let me say, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Congratulations we have made it to 2018. I can hardly believe it. There are so many things I am looking forward to this year. I am not off to a great start, there are a few things I had planned to accomplish, (like my resolutions) but it’s okay today is my get it done day. My husband is home due to inclement weather and he’ll be hanging out until tomorrow afternoon so that is exciting. Last week was great because I finally have a fixed laptop. I can live now! I have high expectations for myself and my family this year may God Bless us and you with a wonderful year and the motivation, determination, and commitment to accomplish all your goals.

Motivational Quote for the Week:

Image result for do it scared quotes

Weather Forecast: Savannah, GA

  • Monday:
  • Tuesday:
  • Wednesday: SNOW!!, High 27° / Low 25°
  • Thursday: Sunny, High 43° / Low 20°
  • Friday: Sunny, High 43° / Low 24°
  • Saturday: Sunny, High 43° / Low 22°
  • Sunday: Overcast, High 48° / Low 37°

What I am Watching on TV:

Image result for Riverdale

Image result for married at first sight

What I am Reading:

Image result for blogging for dummies

A movie I want to see this week:

There’s not really anything I’m interested in seeing this week.

Three things I am determined to accomplish this week:

  1. Fix my DEERS enrollment.
  2. Brain dump my 2018 goals.
  3. Clean house.

Picture Perfect:

5 Things I am grateful for:

  1. Snow Days
  2. iRepair (for fixing my computer)
  3. Planners
  4. SnapChat
  5. Bubble Baths
  6. Bonus: Living to see a new year. Happy 2018!

Mommy Monday 12/11/17

Here is a preview of my upcoming week.

Last week review:

So, I have neglected to finish unpacking boxes at my house. One because I’m tired of unpacking boxes and two because it is impossible to unpack anything with Landon “The Master Unfolder”, and Logan “The Insatiable”. As a result, we’ve been here going on two months and there are at least 10 boxes left, if not more, so I’m trying to work on that. I also started my C25K this week and I’ve already missed a day. Not off to great start but who cares it’s not about how you start it’s about how you finish. I hung out with my mom for her birthday Wednesday and that was nice. I like hanging out with her, we should hang out more. This past week also didn’t end on the greatest note because Landon is sick. He’s been running a low grade fever for the past few days and instead of getting relief at night it seems to get worse so that sucks. I’ve also finally narrowed down my MyCAA choices so hopefully I’ll be enrolling in s program this week. Pray for me y’all we’re off to a rough start.

Motivational Quote for the Week:

Weather Forecast: Savannah, GA

  • Monday: Sunny, High 60° / Low 43°
  • Tuesday: Sunny, High 61° / Low 32°
  • Wednesday: Sunny, High 51° / Low 35°
  • Thursday: Sunny, High 61° / Low 46°
  • Friday: Showers, High 58° / Low 39°
  • Saturday: AM Showers, High 57° / Low 39°
  • Sunday: Mostly Sunny, High 65° / Low 55°

What I am Watching on TV:

Nothing. I’m trying to be good a bff unpack boxes.

What I am Reading:

Blogging for Dummies (Honestly I haven’t even started yet)

A movie I want to see this week:

Three things I am determined to accomplish this week:

Like I said it was a rough week, so my list is intact.

  1. Complete MyCAA enrollment.
  2. Put together my dining room table.
  3. Finish unpack my boxes (seriously).

Picture Perfect:

Here’s how the week was going before Landon got sick. If you can’t tell he’s kissing his belly.

5 Things I am grateful for:

  1. Naptime
  2. The Internet
  3. Payless
  4. The Nappy Hut
  5. Little Einsteins

Mommy Monday 12/4/17

Here is a preview of my upcoming week.

Last week review:

I am still working on getting into a rhythm at home. It seems like every time I master managing my children they learn how to do something else. Like Logan learning to roll over or Landon deciding that the couch is his personal trampoline or a convenient napkin. I can’t take my eyes off of them for a second. I also had to get a new phone after Landon so graciously decided to wash my other one. We went to the Christmas on the River light parade on Saturday which was quite the experience. And lastly, I think we’ve found a church home. Now if I could just get my rambunctious soon to be 2 year old to sit through the service we might learn something. I’m open to suggestions if anyone’s got some.

Motivational Quote for the Week:

Weather Forecast: Savannah, GA

  • Monday: Partly Cloudy, High 70° / Low 57°
  • Tuesday: Partly Cloudy, High 77° / Low 59°
  • Wednesday: Showers, High 64° / Low 45°
  • Thursday: Rain, High 53° / Low 38°
  • Friday: Rain, High 47° / Low 34°
  • Saturday: Sunny, High 55° / Low 33°
  • Sunday: Sunny, High 55° / Low 36°

What I am Watching on TV:

It’s the 25 days of Christmas countdown! I’m so excited. I just finished The Santa Clause 2 and now My Christmas Prince on Lifetime looks interesting.

What I am Reading:

Blogging for Dummies (Still…? Yea I know)

A movie I want to see this week:

My mom wants to take Landon to see The Star so maybe I’ll tag along.

Three things I am determined to accomplish this week:

Like I said it was a rough week, so my list is intact.

  1. Install my stair gates.
  2. Put together my dining room table.
  3. Finish unpack my boxes

Picture Perfect:

Wish I had been able to take pictures Saturday but since I couldn’t here’s a picture of Landon instead.

5 Things I am grateful for:

  1. Chocolate Brownies!
  2. The swing rocking my baby
  3. Child watch at the YMCA while I work out
  4. A new working phone
  5. My Mom, who I would like to wish a very Happy Birthday on Wednesday, I love you!

Mommy Monday 11/27/17

Here is a preview of my upcoming week.

Last month review: Hello Masterpieces! It has been a very long tine since I’ve posted. W have finally settled in you or new home in Georgia but let me tell you it has been hectic. I’m extremely excited fort things to calm down and to get my family back into a routine. 

Motivational Quote for the Week:

Weather Forecast: Savannah, GA

  • Monday: Sunny, High 69° / Low 40°
  • Tuesday: Mostly Clear, High 70° / Low 40°
  • Wednesday: Mostly Clear, High 72° / Low 47°
  • Thursday: Fog, High 70° / Low 47°
  • Friday: Fog, High 66° / Low 49°
  • Saturday: Fog, High 62° / Low 42°
  • Sunday: Fog, High 66° / Low 41°

What I am Watching on TV: It’s the holiday season! I’m watching everything Hallmark, Lifetime, and waiting for the 25 days of Christmas coundown.

What I am Reading: Blogging for Dummies (I know, I’m working on it) 

A movie I want to see this week: Anything in the theaters right now or anything on Hallmark.

Three things I am determined to accomplish this week: 

  1. Install my stair gates. 
  2. Put together my dining room table. 
  3. Finish unpack my boxes. 

    Picture Perfect: Mommy’s Late Night Helper 6

    5 Things I am grateful for:

    1. Chai Tea and Apple Cider
    2. Sweet Potatoe Pie
    3. Rekindling old friendships 
    4. Great sales 
    5. My awesome husband 


    Mommy Monday 10/23/17 (Late)

    Here is a preview of my upcoming week.

    Last week review: It has been a wonderful week. We have been to San Diego, CA; Dallas, TX; Memphis, Tennessee; and now we are visiting my in-laws in Alabama. I am really enjoying visiting all the family and seeing my son play with all his cousins for the first time. He is having a ball. However, I am not going to lie, road trapping with a toddler and an infant has been very trying at times. But that’s okay because the next leg of our trip is our final one. YEA!!

    Motivational Quote for the Week:

    Image result for quotes about family

    Weather Forecast:

    In Alabama:

    • Monday: It was a warm day
    • Tuesday: Sunny, High 70° / Low 42°
    • Wednesday: Sunny, High 66° / Low 43°
    • Thursday: Sunny, High 76° / Low 49°
    • Friday: Partly cloudy, High 78° / Low 57°
    • Saturday: Rain, High 63° / Low 39°
    • Sunday: Sunny, High 61° / Low 35°

    What I am Watching on TV: It’s October! Scary movies. We’re currently watching Halloween II.

    What I am Reading: Blogging for Dummies

    A movie I want to see this week: Girl’s Trip and The Dark Tower

    Three things I am determined to accomplish this week: 

    1. Finish two blog post before Friday.
    2. Find a MyCAA school to enroll in.
    3. Eat at Waffle House!

    Picture Perfect: Sorry guys no pictures this week.

    5 Things I am grateful for:

    1. My awesome mother-in-law!
    2. My super cool brother and sister-in-laws.
    3. All my doggies!
    4. Multiple hands to hold my babies so I can finish my blog posts.
    5. My awesome husband doing practically all of the driving for this trip!


    Mommy Monday 10/16/17

    Here is a preview of my upcoming week.

    Last week review: Last week was super hectic guys so sorry for this late post. We finished packing and our things are on their way to Georgia. We said our final good byes and as we speak we are on our way on our first leg of our road trip. SAN DIEGO HERE WE COME! Thank you so much to everyone who has played a role in this first two and a half years of my marriage and my young family. I appreciate every encouraging word, every women’s mentorship, every laugh thank you so much for making my time in Washington a great one. I love y’all! 

    Motivational Quote for the Week:

    Weather Forecast:

    In San Diego: 

    • Monday: Clear with periodic clouds , High 87° / Low 65°
    • Tuesday: Partly cloudy, High 82° / Low 67°
    • Wednesday: Partly cloudy, High 77° / Low 64°
    • Thursday: Partly cloudy, High 71° / Low 65°
    • Friday: Partly cloudy, High 70° / Low 61°
    • Saturday: Sunny, High 76° / Low 62°
    • Sunday: Sunny, High 84° / Low 63°

    What I am Watching on TV: Nothing, we’re road tripping. 

    What I am Reading: Blogging for Dummies

    A movie I want to see this week: Girl’s Trip and The Dark Tower

    Three things I am determined to accomplish this week: 

    1. Take my Grandma out to dinner.
    2. Eat carne asada fries and rolled tacos.
    3. Take my family to the beach for the first time.

    Picture Perfect: Here we are at the Seattle Needle. You may notice Landon has a floating head, this is what happens when you wear green in front of a green screen. 

    5 Things I am grateful for:

    1. Being able to have purchased and now sold my first car. 
    2. Our awesome van that is making this road trip possible. 
    3. Women’s Sunday at Greater Life Church in Lakewood. This was a blessing to be able to leave on this high note. 
    4. HD video calling on my phone. I love watching my mom and son interacting, can’t wait to see them together. 
    5. My awesome husband putting the cherry on top of our Washington experience and ending with such a big bang I was speechless. This picture doesn’t do it justice but I’m in the back of the van in the dark. I’ll try and take a better one later. 

     To New Beginnings!